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History of use
Unlike other big spirits categories like whiskies and cognac, rum is not one that necessarily requires cask ageing. In fact, a large proportion of rum is traditionally bottled and sold without having spent time in oak or any other wooden container.
Unaged rum is produced in every classification however is particularly common with those distilled from a fresh cane juice base, such as rhum agricole or Haitian clairin. Having said that, perhaps the best-known unaged rum is the molasses-derived Wray & Nephew White Overproof, distilled in Jamaica for over two centuries now.
It is important to be mindful that although all unaged rum can be and often are considered "white rums," the opposite is not true. The word's two best-selling white rums, Tanduay White and Bacardi Carta Blanca are both oak aged with any colour from the cask filtered out prior to bottling.